The Anchor News - 24th June 2022

24th June 2022

Hello everyone,


I’m Mr Soerjowidjojo, quite a mouthful I know, so Mr Jojo is just fine. I first joined St Clement’s in February coming from a background of working with secondary school aged kids and what a change of pace it is, but a refreshing one! The staff here have been so supportive in easing me in to working with the smaller kids.


I work with year 2 as a teaching assistant and they are a joy to work with. With so many different characters I have so many different days. They never fail to keep my days interesting and fun. I’ve also had the pleasure of working with children from other year groups through enrichment, trips and clubs and have enjoyed every experience.


It’s been quite a busy week in year 1 and 2 with a lot of packing as it is our last day in our huts. But while we have to leave behind our homely classrooms, we are looking forward to our upcoming trips. Year 2 have been recently learning about castles and will get to see one in real life next week!


Trips for the common wealth games are also taking place next week so I hope everyone participating is ready and all set. But most importantly, have fun (and win us some medals if you can).


Have a lovely weekend everyone and enjoy the sun.


Mr Soerjowidjojo - Teaching Assistant