
The program of enrichment activities is based on feedback from parents, pupils and staff of '50 things' they would like to experience whilst at St.Clement's.  We considered which activities could be embedded within the curriculum and which would be more suited to enrichment and extra curricular activities offered. We also considered our school Christian values and the CRC (Convention on the Rights of the Child).
Article 3 (best interests of the child) The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all decisions and actions that affect children.
Article 29 (goals of education) Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures, and the environment.
Article 12 (respect for the views of the child) Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously.