Collective Worship Themes

At St. Clement’s Academy, the daily act of collective worship is viewed as an integral and important part of school life. Through this and in the general ethos of the school we seek to promote our vision: Inspiring happy, courageous, independent, curious, creative, life-long learners. So that all achieve their full potential, striving academically and socially with humility and dignity.Believing being anchored in Jesus Christ will guide us with hope, compassion and wisdom in becoming successful members of a global community.
Collective Worship is a precious time where we come together to share our love of God and celebrate our achievements (and sometimes failures) together. Acts of worship in our school are predominately and overtly Christian. However, as there are children from a variety of faiths and none, in addition to children from Christian homes, we do also draw upon religious material from a variety of traditions when preparing collective worship. Connections are made between Christian traditions and beliefs, and those from other religions where appropriate. For example, links between stories in the Bible and the Quran, and connections between festivals such as fasting during Ramadan and Lent.
Legal Requirements- We acknowledge the legal requirement stated in the 1988 Education Reform Act 6 (1) and 9 (3), which states the need for each child to attend a daily act of worship either as a whole school, class or group. Parents have the legal right to withdraw their children from the act of worship either partially or wholly. Any parents wishing to do so should contact the Head teacher. Teachers also have the right to withdraw from leading and taking part in worship.